Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Expression Of STYLE: "Breaking ALL The Rules!"

" I think fashion is about suspense & surprise & fantasy. It's not about Rules!" - Wolfgang Joop

Let's face it, we've all heard some of the ridiculous "Rules of Fashion", and in my personal opinion, they're all rubbish, poubelle, basura, TRASH!!! This is exactly why our slogan is "Style Over Fashion" If you have real style, it's natural & comes from within, incorporating your every being! Style is never forced & should never be confined by any rules! If you must follow any fashion rules, they should be your own! I for one have a few minor rules that I've set for myself that I live by... 1) I will not wear fur (Mink, Fox,Lynx etc.) before Thanksgiving or after Woman's History Month! 2) I just will not EVER wear stockings with open toed shoes! Just throw on some slingbacks or a "BAD" pump if it's that serious!

Here are a few of the ridiculous "Rules of Fashion" I've heard over time...

1) THE MOST FAMOUS... "Never Wear White After Labor Day" - The real "rule" is Don't wear white shoes before Memorial Day, or after Labor Day. It doesn't apply to clothes... But who cares? Rules are meant to be broken!

2) Don't Over Accessorize, or "Less is More" - I say "More is More! Never tone it down!"

3)Shoes,Bags, & Belts must always match, as well as your socks... "Socks play an incredibly important role in a man's life." - Oscar Wilde

4)No Denim with Denim... "Blue jeans are the most beautiful things since the gondola." - Diana Vreeland

5) To be beautiful, one must suffer! "Beauty is Pain" ... "I personally would not have plastic surgery. What the hell for? It looks ridiculous."- Calvin Klein

6)Match your tie with your shirt

7) Never mix prints & patterns/ Don't wear too many colors at once ... "I like light, color, luminosity. I like things full of color, & vibrant." - Oscar de la Renta

"There are no rules for inspiration, you have to have a quality view on things
& my curiosity helps me find inspiration in the most unconnected of strange
 situations. But there is no rule, or only one: Keep your eyes open." - Karl Lagerfeld

When dealing with style/ fashion, you must be confident & know what works for YOU & wear it without giving a damn! Dare to be uniquely yourself... Your REAL Self! Remember most rules are meant to be broken at some point... Just don't become a fashion Victim!

Much Love... Heleena Norvette STAY FRESH!!!!

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